You will walk away from the Royal Retreat with more confidence self mastery, and a deeper understanding of the powers of the subtle body. You will be learning the power of each energy center, your Hologenetic Profile from Gene Keys, the Jow Ga Kung Fu Form called, The Flower Form, and Deepen in the Bihar School of Yoga Style of Yin Restorative. The Royal Path Retreat investment is 3k and encompasses all services, classes, and nourishment throughout the entirety of the 7-day experience. My preference is to facilitate within smaller, more intimate groups ranging from 5 to 10 individuals at a time. To ensure a seamless experience, kindly inform me promptly regarding the size of your group so that I may adequately prepare by securing the necessary support. If your group consists of over 3 people the price for food and support at the retreat will increase accordingly. Lets hop on a discovery call today to learn if this is a fit for you and your crew!
Click here.
Are you ready to devote yourself to your health and well being for an entire season!? Red Retreat is dedicated to fully focusing on enhancing your physical and mental resilience. This detox retreat aims to fortify the body, explore biohacking techniques, and delve into the realms of safety and boundaries through practices such as Gentle Martial Arts, the comprehensive system of The 8-limbs of Yoga, and time role-playing your needs, boundaries, and desires in the Verbal Dojo. The intention is to achieve a harmonious equilibrium of body & mind by discovering the deeper spaces of will power within the subtle body. Participants will indulge in a specially curated detox menu by Fae La Rose and experience Restorative Yin Yoga classes and sound baths. You will also receive:
1.) Iridology Analysis:
Receive a detailed assessment of your Iridology Chart from world renowned Iridologist Jennifer Betesh, offering insights into your dietary needs and detoxification pathways.
2.) Ayurvedic Consultation:
Guidance from the highly regarded Ayurvedic Practitioner Mira Murphy to learn all about your body’s Dosha / Constitution and what foods are your medicine.
3.) Gut Health & Hormone Expertise:
Private Consultation with an NDMD in your area that will run the functional medicine gut test called the Gut Zoomer. Lets balance the gut, hormones, and learn if there is a need to detox a viral or bacterial load!
4.) Colonic Therapy:
Essential for a comprehensive detox program, enjoy a session with a colonics practitioner in your area to release old matter from the walls of your intestines.
5.) Lymphatic Detox with Organ Massage and Sound Therapy:
Experience a transformative experience by releasing the ‘Trash Can’ of the body ~ The Lymphatic System. Fae La Rose uses a blend of organ massage, sound healing, and lymph detox to bring your subtle body into a deep state of consciousness in her famous Rose Session.
6.) Acupuncture Insights:
Discover the organs in need of support for your holistic well-being in a personalized session.
7.) Meditation Master Insights:
Master of Meditation, Will Duncan will be giving you a session at the beginning and the end of retreat to support you in the inward leap.
8.) Ozone Blood Cleansing:
Cutting Edge Tech, EB02 and Ozone IV’s give you a new lease
on life
This 3 month guided experience of detox varies in price depending on your area of the world. Sessions 1-8 listed above usually run around 5k total. Fae La Rose charges 2k per week to guide you, cook for you, and lead you in morning and evening practices. The total for this life changing season is usually around 30k. Fae will be staying in your guest room or guest house to be on site. Lets hop on a discovery call today to learn if this is a fit for you and your crew!
Click here.